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2013-09-02 09:57【我要纠错】

  35. Can you put three “6” together to make seven? (6又6分之6)

  36. Your aunt has a brother. But he isn’t your uncle. Who is he ? (your father)

  37. Mr Smith has five sons. Each son has a sister. How many children does Mr Smith have? (six)

  38. What kind of table has no legs? (timetable)

  39. What is the best and cheapest light? (daylight)

  40. What man can’t live inside the house? (a snow-man)

  41. What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself? (your name)

  42. Why is the letter B like fire? (Because it makes oil boil.)

  43. Why is the letter D like a bad boy? (Because it makes ma mad.)

  44. Why is the letter F like death? (Because it makes all fall.)

  45. Why is the letter O like a pain? (Because it makes man moan.)

  46. Why is the letter T like an island? (Because it’s in the middle of water.)

  47. Who carries his house with him? (a snail)

  48. It was neither my sister, nor my brother. But it was still the child of my father and mother. Who was it? (myself)

  49. Your uncle’s sister isn’t your aunt. Who is she? (your mother)

  50. Why is a river rich? (Because it always has two banks.)

  51. What’s it that’s always coming but never arrives? (tomorrow)

  52. What’s it that’s always behind time? (the back of a watch)

  53. What’s it that has legs but can’t walk? (a table or a chair)

  54. What’s it that everyone in the world is doing at the same time? (growing older)

  55. What’s it that has two heads, six feet, one tail and four ears? (a man on the horseback)

  56. There is a word of five letters. If you take away two letters, only one remains. What’s the word? (stone→one)

  57. There is a word of five letters. If you take away two letters, but six remains. What’s the word? (sixth→six)

  58. What begins with T, ends with T and is full of T? (teapot)

  59. Which is the longest word in English? (smiles)

  60. What does FAMILY mean? (Father And Mother I Love You)

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