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2013-09-02 09:57【我要纠错】

【导语】: 孩子从小就开始学习英语,打好英语的基础很重要,对于孩子以后的英语学习和未来孩子的发展很重要,如何教孩子学习英语,如何让孩子从小就爱上英语,那就让他们多玩这英语教学游戏吧。


  1. 三合一(打一大写字母) (Y)

  2. 一条曲折的人生之路(打一字母) (S)

  3. 半把剪刀(打两个小写字母) (d, p)

  4. 幼苗初绽(打一小写字母) (r)

  5. 永远走不完的路(打一字母) (o)

  6. 月圆总有月缺时(打两个字母) (O, C)

  7. 眼镜横放不露脚(打一大写字母) (B)

  8. 双峰倒影(打一字母) (W)

  9. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人(打四个大写字母) (Y, O, W, V)

  10. What letter can fly? (b→bee)

  11. What letter can see? (i→eye)

  12. What letter has water? (c→sea)

  13. What letter can we drink? (t→tea)

  14. What letter don’t you know? (x→未知数)

  15. What letter is nothing? (o→零)

  16. What letter is a question? (y→why)

  17. What letter is a part of the head? (i→eye)

  18. What letter is a vegetable? (p→pea)

  19. What is the end of everything? (g)

  20. It appears once in a “minute”. It appears twice in a “moment”. But it doesn’t appear in a “year”. What is it? (m)

  21. It’s seen twice in “every day”. It’s seen four times in “every week”. But it’s seen only once in “a year”. What is it? (e)

  22. Wha is it that we have in December but that we don’t have in any other month? (D)

  23. What stands in the middle of the world? (r)

  24. If you feed it, it will live. If you give it water, it will die. What is it? (fire)

  25. My shape is long. My colour is white. My friends are teachers. Do you know who I am? (chalk)

  26. What question can never be answered by “Yes”? (Are you asleep?)

  27. I have a cap. I don’t wear it at work. I put it on when I have a rest. What am I? (A pen)

  28. Father lost her. (fat)

  29. I’m not in the rain. (ran)

  30. There is not it this time. (me)

  31. She isn’t on the shore. (or)

  32. The ball of football was gone. (foot)

  33. My face is black. I can’t talk. The teacher writes on me with chalk. After school you go home. But I’m always in the classroom. What am I? (a blackboard)

  34. She has it. They have it. But you don’t have it. When I say hello to you, it comes again. What’s the word? (he)

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