深圳本地宝 > 深圳教育 > 考试辅导 > 1999年下半年英语(二)(全国)
2006-09-28 15:59【我要纠错】

   1) 争辨 vt. a __ __ __ __
   2) 个人简历 n. r __ __ __ __ __
   3) 爆炸 vi. e __ __ __ __ __ __
   4) 个人的 a. i __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   5) 家庭的 a. d __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   6) 感情 n. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   7) 效率 n. e __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   8) 拥有 n. p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   9) 运输 vt. t __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   10)忽视 vt. n __ __ __ __ __ __
   11)选举 n. e __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   12)假装 vt. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   13)赔偿的 a. c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   14)主要地 ad. p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   15)排除 vt. e __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   16)暴行 n. o __ __ __ __ __ __
   17)嫌疑犯 n. s __ __ __ __ __ __
   18)非法的 a. i __ __ __ __ __ __
   19)最后的 a. u __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   20)毕业文凭 n. d __ __ __ __ __ __

   1) If there is no choice, there is no decision ________ (make).
   2) The film ________ (show) Cees van Wendel’s death was moving and sensitive.
   3) When they get out of prison, they ________ (increase) the level of their criminal behaviour.
   4) The importance of these ________ (vary) according to the nature of one’s job and one’s life-style.
   5) This will not only keep the study habit alive but also ________ (keep) you up to date on your class assignments and projects.
   6) How could he operate the machine if he _______ (not learn) the technique a few days ago?
   7) Victory in the eleven ________ (large) states alone would provide an electoral majority.
   8) It’s high time that we _______ (take) firm measures to protect our environment.
   9) If we don’t start out now, we must risk ________ (miss) the train.
   10)I always take a cold shower in the morning and that is why I never ________ (catch) cold.


  1.Each time the programme of Van Wendal’s last days before euthanasia was shown on TV, it starts a nationwide debate ________ the subject.
   A.for    B.against    C.on    D.of

  2.Your account of what happened yesterday approximates ________ the real facts.
   A.near    B.of    C.to    D.upon

  3.In the process of composition, it isn’t easy to be inspired in a spontaneous way for long periods ________ a stretch.
   A.at   B.for    C.over    D.in

  4.To assume the care for the pets can help bring ________ the humanity in our children and even in us adults.
   A.about    B.in    C.out    D.up

  5.The sad condition of women ________ as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases.
   A.worked    B.working    C.to work    D.to be worked

  6.According to Dr.Kramer, ________ people who appear in your dreams, _______ you are on awakening.
   A.as many … as happy
   B.the more … the more happy
   C.the more … the happier
   D.the most … the happiest

  7.Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough ________ your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn toward it.  
   A.at    B.in    C.before    D.in front of

  8.Even Democrat George McGovern, ________ had the lowest level of party support among recent nominees, was backed in 1972 by nearly 60 percent of his party’s voters.
   A.who    B.whose    C.that    D.which

  9.Robots differ from automatic machines in ________ after completion of one specific task, they can be reprogrammed to do another one.
   A.which    B.that    C.how    D.whether

  10.Understand what Jet Lag is, and how a careful diet can minimize its worst effects, ________ .
   A.your flights will be less stressful
   B.and your flights will be less stressful
   C.of your flights will be less stressful
   D.in order that your flights will be less stressful   

   1.On(A) August 1977, a satellite was launched to gather date(B) about the 10 million black holes thought(C) to be in(D) the Milky Way.

   2.When someone(A) is saying something which(B) he agrees, the(C) average European will smile and nod approval(D).

   3.There is another form(A) of communication which(B) we all(C) use most of time(D).

   4.In some cultures, it is quite normal for people to more or less(A) thrust his(B) face into yours(C) when talking(D) to you.

   5.One cannot be really happy if he(A) is compelled by society to do(B) what he does not enjoy to do(C), or what he likes to do is ignored as of no value(D).

   6.What(A) Mrs. Weinstein did wasn’t(B) the kind of thing one would expect someone(C) who is facing(D) a life-threatening situation.

   7.Notice what(A) persons seem to draw(B) naturally together to speak, which(C) others try to stay further apart(D).

   8.It is not unreasonable(A) to believe that(B) the amount of money we spend on(C) the average pet dog could keep a child live(D) in a region of great poverty.

   9.Robots, already taking over(A) human tasks in the automotive field, are beginning to(B) be seen, although in(C) a lesser degree, in other industries as well(D).

   10.In a computerized age, there may be(A) a tendency to mistake data for(B) wisdom, just as(C) there has always been a tendency to confuse logic as values(D).


  Passage 1   
  Schindler’s List
  Chinese audiences will see scenes of horror in a remarkable new film called Schindler’s Lust. In the movie, the terror of the Nazi conquest of Poland, and the murder of Europe’s Jews is captured in frightening detail. Director Steve Spielberg chose black and white film for his film biography of Oscar Schindler, the businessman who risked his own life to save Polish Jews destined for Hitler’s death camps.

   Schindler was a businessman operating in Krakow, Poland at the time of the Nazi holocaust. And he made a fortune doing it.

   Spielberg made this film to explore the potential for good that is within all people. Spielberg said, ”He was in the Oskar Schindler business for a lot of his career, but something happened along the road that changed him.” Schindler saved the lives of more than a thousand Jews, by negotiating with their Nazi captors. His heroism put Schindler’s own life in great danger. Schindler himself eventually died after an unsuccessful attempt at farming in South America, but not before the state of Israel honored him for his bravery.

  1._______ is the director of Schindler’s List
   A.Oskar Schindler
   B.Oskar Spielberg
   C.Steve Schindler
   D.Steve Spielberg

  2.Schindler died while attempting to save the lives of more than a thousand Jews. That statement is ________.
   A.not true
   B.not false
   C.hard to judge
   D.one whose value can not be found in this passage.

  3.The state of Israel honored Schindler for his bravery ________.
   A.before his death
   C.after he saved the lives of a thousand Jews or so
   D.both A and C
   Passage 2
   The Letter Trick
   There was a woman who had a husband. Well, then her husband was in the bush, and she had another man. But when her husband went to the city, the other man said to her, “If you love me, you must let me come sleep in your house.” Then she said to the man, “All right. My husband is in the city, I will let you come. I am going to dress you in one of my skirts and blouses, and I am going to tell my husband that you are my sister from the plantation.” Then when she dressed him in the dress, then that night he came there. And the woman told her husband this was her sister.

   Then at night they went to sleep. But in the morning the woman went to the market because she sold things. Then the man lay down upstairs. But when the woman’s husband saw she did not come down, then he want to look, and he saw a man. Then the man was angry. He took a stick and came running to the market towards the woman. But when the woman saw him coming, the woman took a piece of paper, then she read and cried. Then, when the man came he said, “What are you doing?” Then she made up a speech. “Hm! I just received a letter that all my sisters on the plantation have changed into men.” Then the man said,” They do not lie, because the one who came to sleep with you last night, that one, too, changed into a man.” But the man did not know how to read. That is why the woman deceived him with shch a trick.

  1.This story tells people ________.
   A.the importance of geing smart
   B.how top cheat your marriage partnet
   C.the significance of learning to read
   D.how stupid the husband is

  2.The genre (文体) of this passage belongs to ________.
   A.drame    B.fiction    C.Iullaby    D.folktale

  3.In the title of the story, the word “letter” means ________.
   A.the 26 English letters
   B.a regular mail
   D.an envelope
  Passage 3
   Poverty and Health
   Pediatrician, Dr. Tony Walterston has growing evidence that the health deficit between those in Social Class Five, that is the lowest rung on the socioeconomic ladder, and those who are better off, begins in childhood.

   “In mortality, the biggest effect is in child accidents. There are five-fold accidents. And this is almost certainly due to the lack of safe play areas, in deprived areas. So basically children play on the streets. In the homes, it is related to home safety and the lack, in poor housing, poor quality housing, of safety measures. So there are no smoke alarms, so the fires are more common, and there is lack of protection on stairs and on stairs and on windows, so that children have accidents much more commonly. This is a very major difference.”

   “Fivefold difference is a very major difference.”

   “Quite, quite. It is also in terms of morbidity, Which means the diseases children get and then die. All infections are much greater in Social Class Five. In pneumonia, whooping cough, ear infections, and ear infection, in particular, has an impact in education, because children have hearing loss. And these are probably due to damp and over-crowding, so that children are brought more closer together and infections happen more easily.”

   “More than one in three children are now growing up in relative poverty. Twenty years ago it was one in ten. And family’s income is less than half the national average wage.”

   Dr. Iona Heath, who works in an inner city practice in London, sees the impact on her patients of low income, compounded by poor employment prospects, poor housing and poor diet.

   “It generates a chronic stress that seems to undermine physical and mental health.”

   “Can you see it literally in people as they come into surgery? I mean, they just don’t look well?”

   “You can see that people look tired, and stressed, and defeated, and feel no sense of place in society that’s apparently doing well. I think that’s the argument about relative poverty. It’s that there’s a lot of rhetoric about how well people are doing. You see a lot of wonderful, glossy advertisements about how life could be and yet it’s million miles away from the life that you have. And you begin to feel a bit overwhelmed by it, because the number of times that I have to prescribe anti-depression medication for people who have become clinically depressed. But they and I know that what they need is a move of housing, and more appropriate housing, more space. People, you know, families of four, living in two rooms with teenage children, it’s unacceptable.”

   The other side of the coin is that the socially advantaged are living longer, healthier lives than ever before.

  1.The relation between poverty and health ________.
   A.is only felt by doctors
   B.does exist
   C.is a myth
   D.has not been studied yet

  2.Accidents happen ________.
   A.among children from both poor and rich families alike
   B.among children from poor families far more often
   C.among adults more than children
   D.among starving children only

  3.According to Dr Heath, the influence of poverty upon her patients are ________.
   A.both physical and mental
   B.more physical than mental
   C.only physical
   D.more mental than physical

  4.The impression we gather from this passage is that ________.
   A.the number of poor people is decreasing
   B.the number of poor people is going up
   C.the entire population has increased
   D.the entire population has decreased

   When we work � and also when we play � we use up energy. The energy may be physical or mental or a combination of the two. If we 1 someone at a job and keep him at it continuously without rest, ultimately he will break 2 and be unable to go on. If, however, he can stop for 3 or do something else for a change, he will be able to work for a longer period of time. Efficiency, then, seems to be in a large 4 a matter of the distribution(分布) of work and rest periods. In ordinary life work and rest usually take place by 5 . We work during the day, and sleep at night. We continue to alternate between work and rest, 6 .

   Suppose now we consider a single period of work. We notice first that the worker is less efficient at the 7 beginning than he is after working a short time. This phenomenon, 8 “warming up,” is found in many different activities. Some activities need a long warming up period 9 others need a short period. The speed 10 which the point of highest efficiency is reached varies from individual to individual.

   1)A.set     B.make     C.get     D.send
   2)A.up     B.down     C.away     D.out
   3)A.a while     B.a little     C.ever     D.short
   4)A.degree     B.amount     C.part     D.extent
   5)A.nature     B.chance     C.order     D.turns
   6)A.from time to time
    B.year in and year then
    C.for ever and ever
    D.every now and then
   7)A.far     B.most     C.very     D.first
   8)A.called     B.being called     C.to be called     D.having been called
   9)A.when     B.while     C.or     D.for
   10)A.in     B.with     C.by     D.at


   I was delighted (although not surprised!) to hear that you won the London piano concert competition this year. Congratulations! I wish I could be with you to share in this happy occasion. I have watched you develop as a fine pianist over the years, and it is a thrill to see you rewarded for your talent-and, above all, for your hard work. I well remember your diffident debut(首次登台演出) twenty years ago. Who would have guessed that your “awkward little offspring” would grow to be the successful business it is today! Your industry, your attention to detail, and your creative problem-solving have been an inspiration to all of us. My thoughts are with you today as you celebrate. Best of luck to you, now and in the future.



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