深圳本地宝 > 深圳教育 > 考试辅导 > 全国2005年10月高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)试题
2006-09-28 15:59【我要纠错】

1.“Did the medicine make you feel any better?”
“No. I’m sorry to say that _____, the worse I feel.”
A.when I take more medicine  
B.taking more medicine
C.with more medicine I take
D.the more medicine I take

2.We have plenty of bread;_____ butter, we need some new supply.
A.as for           
B.except for
C.owing to          
D.due to

3.In the past few months the project _____held up by the heated discussion about whether it is worthwhile.
C.has been          
D.had been

4.The boy was paid for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

5.Just ____ diseases, bad habits are more easily prevented than cured.
C.similar to        

6.“Is the radio bothering you?”
“It certainly is. I’d like it ______off.”
B.to turn

7.The students were talking and laughing ______ the teacher came in.

8.We no longer keep up the close friendship we used to have years ago, ______ we still visit each other occasionally.

9.I have indicated what I think should be done to overcome our present difficulties, but if anyone can think of a better course of action I am open _____ suggestions.

10.Looking at him, we found ______ hard to believe that he was well over seventy.

11.As the saying goes, yon ______ take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.

12.If yon ______ in a spaceship high above the earth, where there is no air to scatter the sunlight,you would find the sky pitch-black.
C.will ride          
D.would ride

13.A world fit _______ children is one in which all children get the best possible start in life and have access to a quality basic education.

14.The company _______ its clients of its high quality, competitive price, prompt delivery and good service.

15.When faced with green lights, the driver who wants to make a turn should ______way to the vehicle approaching from the opposite direction and going straight.

16.A highly ______person is likely to be easily hurt by pain, both emotional and physical.

17.Parents need to take many things into _____ before deciding whether they should send their children to study abroad.

18.My mother, whose guiding _____in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me than my father.

19.He is good-tempered-he never _____ his voice to his kids.

20.Those old photographs in my album _____ me of my days at Harvard University years ago.
21.Those deserted buildings will be pulled down next month to make _____ for a new shopping center.

22.Enrolled students must pay a health service _____ of ¥150 per semester for their medical care.

23.He turned down the request because it was _____ the limits of his power.

24.In her old age, the lonely woman often sits quietly at the window, looking into the distance with a blank_____.

25.Jerry read the poem again and again until he _____ it by heart.

    Prehistoric people are human beings who lived before writing was invented about 5,500 years ago. Writing 26 people to record information they wished to save,27 descriptions of events in their lives.28 this way, the invention of writing marked the beginning of history. The period before human beings learned to write is called prehistory.
Scientists first discovered evidence of prehistoric people in the mid-1800’s .Most of this evidence 29 ancient, sharp-edged stone tools and fossilized (已变成化石的)bones of prehistoric people.
30 scientists collected more fossils of prehistoric people, they began to form a clearer 31 of what these early people looked like. For example, scientists learned that early human beings had smaller brains than most modern men and women have. This evidence indicated 32 humans had evolved-that is, modified their physical structure over time. Scientists developed a set of ideas about human origins 33 the theory of human evolution. This theory states that as the 34 of the prehistoric world changed, our prehistoric ancestors went 35 a series of changes that resulted in the first human beings. They, 36 , evolved into modern human beings.
Evidence of prehistoric people is 37 and difficult to find. Scientists must 38 their theory on this extremely limited evidence. As a result, scientists cannot 39 present a detailed picture of early human life. 40, new discoveries sometimes disprove theories that scientists already hold.
26.A.permitted    B.admitted     C.enabled   D.let
27.A.included   B.include       C.to include  D.including
28.A.In    B.By       C.With    D.For
29.A.made up of   B.consisted of                  C.made up with        D.consisted in
30.A.Since     B.Now that             C.As   D.Even though
31.A.structure  B.picture                  C.impression          D.shape
32.A.where     B.why      C.when  D.how
33.A.called        B.calling    C.meant  D.meaning
34.A.atmosphere     B.circumstance                  C.situation           D.environment
35.A.over   B.across    C.through  D.after
36.A.after all    B.for sure      C.without exception   D.in turn
37.A.rare       B.clear                         C.helpful  D.changeable
38.A.consider   B.base     C.solve  D.explain
39.A.still       B.however     C.yet   D.anyway
40.A.In addition  B.On the contrary             C.In practice         D.On the whole

41.If such work is hundreds or thousands of years old and is still admired, there is probably something to it.
A.…there is a good reason for people to love it.
B.…there is something people failed to discover.
C.…you can be sure that it is well-written.
D.…you can conclude that it must be popular.

42.Today an appearance on a television talk show is the ultimate proof of ”making it”in America.
A.…an important sign of what you are doing in America.
B.…strong evidence that you have adjusted to life in America.
C.…the best proof that you have succeeded in the United States.
D.…the last proof that you have been accepted by American society.

43.“A great army it was, and a great story for me .It will go down in history!”
A.The story will be recorded in history books.
B.The story will be told in history classes.
C.This army is worth being remembered forever.
D.This army deserves praise for their victory.

44.The Sea Around Us was a delightful antidote to our ignorance.
A.The Sea Around Us was about what medicine to use in emergency.
B.The Sea Around Us was a useful and delightful book on first aid.
C.The book was written for those who knew little about the sea.
D.The book was both informative and delightful to read.

45.A child is a believing creature. Cliff undoubtedly believed them.
A.A child always wants adults to believe him.
B.A child readily accepts what adults say.
C.A child never rejects what adults tell him to do.
D.A child never thinks that adults can be right

46.In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.
A.…love makes an imperfect world good enough to live in.
B.…love is extremely important where things are not perfect.
C.…love means more in an imperfect world than in a perfect one.
D.…love is so powerful that it can make an imperfect world desirable.

47.When I show the documents to Dyson, he is obviously shaken.
A.…he doesn’t accept what he has seen.
B.…he begins trembling all over with fear.
C.…clearly, he is indifferent.
D.…clearly, he is shocked.

48.It left me open-minded about prayers.
A.It caused me to believe in prayers.
B.It caused me to have doubts about prayers.
C.It made me reconsider my attitude towards prayers.
D.It made me realize that prayers were never answered.

49.My mother reached into her bottomless supply of maxims and told Doris,“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
A.My mother took out a book, which provides a large number of maxims.
B.My mother began quoting a wise saying from her unlimited collection.
C.My mother always had a book of  quotations within easy reach.
D.My mother was constantly supplied with sayings and quotations.

50.The audiences were small, and even if Rudolf had been really first-rate, they would not have been very demonstrative.
A.They would not have demonstrated much interest.
B.They would not have done anything for him.
C.They would not have responded warmly.
D.They would not have told him anything.

Passage  1
    Policemen, both in Britain and in the United States, hardly find anything in common between their lives and what they see on TV- if they ever get home in time. There are similarities, of course, but the cops don’t think much of them.
The first difference is that a policeman’s life is centered around the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove the crimes in court. He has to know nearly as much as a professional lawyer. What is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and in the rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.
Little of his time is spent in chatting with women of the street or in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty—or not –of stupid, petty crimes.
Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal. As soon as he is arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom much of a problem. Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attacks –where failure to produce results affects the standing of the police –little effort is made in searching. The police have elaborate hi-tech devices which eventually show up most wanted men.
Having made an arrest, a detective starts to work. To prove his case in court, he often has to gather a lot of different evidence. Much of the evidence has to be given by people who don’t want to get involved. So a detective has to be out all hours of the day and night interviewing the witnesses and persuading them to help him.
A third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant moral twilight in which the real one lives. The  detective is subject to two opposing pressures: first, as a member of the police he always has to behave with absolute legality; second, as an expensive public servant he has to get results. He can hardly ever do both. Most of the time he has to break the rules in small ways.
If the detective has to deceive the world, the world often deceives him. Hardly anyone he meets tells him the truth. And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple-mindedness-as he sees it-of citizens, social workers, doctors, lawmakers, and judges, who, instead of stamping out crime, punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform. The result, he feels, is that nine-tenths of his work is re-catching people who should have stayed behind bars. This makes him rather cynical.
51.It is essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal law______.
A.so that he can catch criminals in the street
B.so that he can justify his arrests in court
C.because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerous
D.because he has to know nearly as much about the law as a lawyer
52.The everyday life of a policeman or detective is_____.
A.exciting and glamorous
B.full of danger
C.devoted mostly to routine matters
D.wasted on unimportant matters
53.When murders and terrorist attacks occur the police_____.
A.prefer to wait for the criminal to give himself away
B.make much effort in trying to track down their man
C.try to make a quick arrest to keep up their reputation
D.usually fail to produce results
54.The real detective lives in “an unpleasant moral twilight”(L. 2, Para. 6) partly because _____.
A.he is an expensive pubic servant
B.he works under constant pressure to get results
C.he feels himself to be cut off from the rest of the world
D.he is obliged to break the law slightly in order to keep it
55.The detective is rather cynical because _____.
A.society does not punish criminals severely enough
B.nine-tenths of his work involves arresting people
C.hardly anyone tells him the truth
D.too many criminals escape from jail

Passage  2
When the French Institute in Haiti asked me to speak on a subject of my own choice, I picked heroism. It’s a subject I know well. I’ve read many books about it.
I spoke of some well-known heroes. I suggested that I was something of a hero myself. Then I described how the hero, in face of danger, discovers all the great, lasting values of life.
When I left the platform, a gentleman came to me. “Great lecture,”he said. “I’m Doctor Bonbon. I’ve been asked to make your stay here as pleasant as possible. Would you like to go hunting sharks with me? You seem to enjoy facing danger.”
I accepted gladly. I saw myself struggling with a huge fish on my rod…
I was to speak again the next afternoon. So we agreed to start early that morning.
“By the way,”the doctor said as we set out ,“you should try out your Cousteau.”
“Your snorkel. You need to breathe. I’ll show you how to work the underwater gun too. What’s the matter? Something wrong?”
I had to sit down. I tried to tell myself it wasn’t so. But there was no doubt about it. I wasn’t to fish with a rod, I was to go right down into the water. I opened my mouth to protest…
“You know,”the doctor said. “I can’t tell you how much we all enjoyed your lecture on courage.”
I said nothing. There are times when you have to protect your means of earning a living. I was known as a good speaker. If I had to be eaten by sharks to keep my reputation, I was ready. I put on my mask.
“Now put on the lead belt. It will get you down there instantly,”the doctor said. “They’ll go down with you.”He pointed to the four giants on board.
Bodyguards, I thought with relief.
“They’re the beaters,”the doctor said. “They’ll go ahead and drive the sharks toward you. Then all you have to do is shoot.”I didn’t have the courage to object. They helped me over the side.
At the bottom the first thing I saw was a big fish. I screamed.
I can’t quite remember what followed. All I know is that, contrary to what I had said in my lecture, at the moment of danger the hero does not discover the great values of life. When I opened my eyes again, the big fish was gone.
I tried to return to the surface. Then I saw a huge form above my head. I seized my gun, I closed my eyes and I pressed the trigger.
The gun was torn from me.
In seconds I was at the surface. Luckily, the boat was near. I was on board in an instant.
“Where’s your gun?”asked the doctor.
I explained that I had hit a shark. The beast had torn the weapon from my hands.
The black swimmers were climbing back into the boat now. One of them had my gun. He spoke to the doctor in Creole.
“It seems,”the doctor said to me, “that yon shot at the hull of the boat.”
He was trying to suggest that I had mistaken the boat passing over my head for a shark. The very idea!
When I stepped onto the platform that afternoon, Doctor Bonbon was sitting in the front row. But I didn’t let his mocking stare disturb me. I was determined to rise once more to the level of my subject.
“Ladies and gentlemen,”I began,“when the hero finds himself facing danger, the first thing he discovers…”
56.This story is told in a _____ tone.
57.When told to go down into the water, the writer had to sit down probably because _____ .
A.he had more questions to ask Doctor Bonbon
B.he wanted to discuss the arrangement in detail
C.he was greatly inspired
D.he was trembling with fear
58.To save his face, the writer had no way out but to _____.
A.go down into the water
B.lecture on heroism again
C.shoot at the hull of the boat
D.protest against the invitation
59.When the writer was told that he had actually shot at the boat, _____.
A.he did not believe it
B.he felt annoyed
C.he was ashamed of his stupid mistake
D.he was relieved that nobody was hurt
60.When he stood on the platform that afternoon, the writer probably began his speech with this remark:“When the hero finds himself facing danger, the first thing he discovers _____.”
A.is his true self
B.is the great values of life
C.is the challenge from other people
D.is his strong desire to save his face

61.We believe that the key to an organization’s _____ is the development of great leaders and great employees. (effective)
62._____ is a strong feeling of love for and pride in one’s own country.(national)
63.One of the tyres of the truck exploded because of _____.(over, load)
64.Kodak will _____ production of black-and-white photographic paper by the end of 2005 due to its sales drop.(continue)
65.It is very _____ of the young playwright to attempt a new form of drama. (courage)
66.With the rapid economic development, there is an _____ of job opportunities. (explode)
67.One needs _____ to get rid of such bad habits as smoking and alcoholism. (control, self)
68._____ deeds are always encouraged in all cultures. (hero)
69.The job of a _____ is to research, record and preserve history. (history)
70.The Japanese celebrate the “Tanabata Festival”every 7th night of July, believing that this could improve their _____ skills. (dress, make)


TOPIC:What do yon think is the most admirable quality of the old woman in the text “The Washwoman?”
You can use this outline:
1.Name this quality.
2.Give an example or examples to show she possessed this quality.
3.Give a brief comment on this quality.

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