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2015-09-23 19:27【我要纠错】





  命题学校:广州二中 2015,9,8



  2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。


  第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  When traveling, it’s important to learn about the customs and etiquette ofthe global village. What we consider polite behavior at home isn't alwaysaccepted outside our borders.

  ● Etiquette of Gift Giving

  Gift giving should be a happy, positive experience. When selecting apresent for someone in Netherlands, don't purchase fancy kitchen knives orscissors. Giving sharp, pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky. Becareful when presenting flowers to a friend or a business partner in Russia.Yellow blooms suggest cheat or a relationship break up. Traditionally, redcarnations are placed on the tombs of the dead. Writing cards or notes whilevisiting South Korea, be mindful of your pen's ink color. Writing a person'sname in red ink traditionally suggests that the person has passed away-animportant point to remember when giving a birthday card.

  ● Eating Customs

  Being early or on time is viewed as being rude, too eager or even greedy inVenezuela. If you are invited to someone's home for a meal, it's recommendedthat you arrive 10 minutes later than the requested time. When having a meal inEgypt, don’t use the salt shaker (盐瓶). It's insulting to your host to spreadsalt on your food, which means that you find the meal terrible. Japan is a verypolite nation, and their fondness for etiquette extends to the use ofchopsticks. According to Japanese custom, if you're in the middle of eating, usethe opposite end of your chopsticks to secure food from a shared plate. Whendoing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for your host to pay for your meal.Requests to split the bill won’t be accepted. If you would like to pay your fairshare, Turks recommend inviting your host to a follow-up meal.

  1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A. Giving a fancy kitchen knife to a friend from Russia is a goodchoice.

  B. You can use blue ink to write notes to your friend from South Korea.

  C. Dining with Japanese, one can use either end of the chopsticks to getfood from shared plates.

  D. Invited to a meal, one should arrive earlier to show respect for thehost.

  2. What does the underlined word “insulting” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A. Respectful. B. Challenging. C. Indifferent. D. Offensive.

  3. Where is this passage probably from?

  A. A news report. B. A travel essay.

  C. A culture column. D. A food magazine.


  I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. Ifumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escapedtheir search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get itto my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. I looked through thebars at the guard. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him“Have you got a light?” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light mycigarette. As he came close and lit the match, his eyes unconsciously lockedwith mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don’t know why I did that. Perhaps it wasnervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, itis very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was asthough a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two humansouls. I know he didn’t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and causeda smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at medirectly in the eyes and continuing to smile.

  I kept smiling at him, now thinking of him as a person and not just aguard. "Do you have kids?" he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet andnervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the picturesof his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes werefilled with tears. I said that I feared that I’d never see my family again,never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Outof the prison, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edgeof town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward thetown.

  4. What do we know about the man from the passage?

  A. He had lost contact with his family.

  B. He had been forbidden to smoke.

  C. He had been searched.

  D. He had killed someone.

  5. Why did the man want to smoke cigarettes?

  A. Because he was sure he was to be killed.

  B. Because he wanted the guard to set him free.

  C. Because he wanted to ease his nervousness.

  D. Because he was a regular heavy smoker.

  6. What can we infer from the story?

  A. The guard freed him in the prison.

  B. The man smiled to please the guard.

  C. The guard set the man free with permission.

  D. The man was surprised to be set free.

  7. What is the most important factor in saving the man’s life?

  A. The smile. B. The cigarette. C. The tears. D. The wallet.

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