深圳本地宝 > 深圳教育 > 考试辅导 > 全国2003年4月综合英语(二)试题
2006-09-28 16:00【我要纠错】


I. 语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸上。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)
Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points)
1. The teacher explained the point a second time, but ________ everyone understand.
A. not even then does     B. even then not did
C. not even then did     D. not even then
2. All flights ________ because of the storm, they decided to go to Beijing by train.
A. having been canceled    B. had been canceled
C. having canceled    D. were canceled
3. We shall have completed the work by the time he ________ back next week.
A. will come      B. comes
C. is coming      D. will have come
4. The little girl ________ into the lake but her father caught her.
A. would have fallen    B. should have fallen
C. had probably fallen    D. has fallen
5. “Do you often swim now?”
“No, but I _______ when I was in my fifties.”
A. used to      B. am used to it
C. used to do      D. was used to doing
6. A new computer costs about _______ of this used one.
A. the three times price   B. three time the price
C. three times a price     D. three times the price
7. He deeply regretted _______ the only opportunity to go to college.
A. to have to miss     B. that he will miss
C. to miss     D. missing
8. Alice and Mary waited breathlessly for the announcement, _______ she had won the award.
A. each hoped     B. each hoping
C. and each hopes    D. and each hoping
9. Statistics is a discipline _______ all the other sciences.
A. affected     B. to affect
C. affecting      D. being affected
10. It was not until she had arrived home _______ remembered her appointment with the doctor.
A. when she      B. that she
C. and she      D. she
11. He must have waited here for an hour, _______ ?
A. didn’t he      B. mustn’t he
C. hasn’t he      D. must he
12. We’ll have to go without him _______ he comes before our flight departs.
A. if       B. providing
C. unless      D. on condition that
13. A moment’s _______ is sometimes worth a lifetime’s experience.
A. realization     B. insight
C. knowledge       D. vision
14. Youth is not a time of life — it is a _______ of mind. You are as young as you feel, and as old as you doubt.
A. peace     B. presence
C. ease      D. state
15. Wisdom is knowing when to _______ your mind and when to mind your speech.
A. read      B. go out of
C. make up      D. change
16. To _______ wages and salaries means increasing purchasing power.
A. raise      B. rise
C. lift      D. improve
17. Success is to be measured _______ by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.
A. not so much      B. just much
C. much less     D. much more
18. The boy ran ________ from home to school and was just in time for class.
A. all the more     B. all the way
C. all the same     D. all the time
19. The man was sentenced to three years of imprisonment because he was ________ in car smuggling.
A. included     B. connected
C. involved     D. concerned
20. The Red Cross passed the money to the village school without ________ the donor’s name.
A. quoting     B. calling
C. bringing up     D. referring to
21. The Thinking Machine ________ in solving the mystery of the silver box.
A. persisted     B. achieved
C. managed     D. succeeded
22. Life is not merely ________, but the enjoyment of health.
A. living     B. alive
C. lively      D. liveable
23. Most of the men working in the factory were farmers ________.
A. formally      B. formerly
C. early     D. firstly
24. A successful man is ________ who has the opportunity and takes it.
A. person      B. anyone
C. some      D. one
25. Wise people believe only half of what they hear — wiser ones know ________ half to believe.
A. what      B. which
C. that      D. such
II. 完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸上。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
 Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)
Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast various places on the earth. But they also      26     beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a     27     . The word geography     28     from two Greek words, ge , the Greek word for “earth” and graphein,     29     means “to write.” The English word geography means “to describe the earth.”     30     geography books focus on a small area like a town or a city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an     31     continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another     32     to divide the study of geography is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the     33     starts with human beings and     34     how human beings and their environment act  35    each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject,     36     branch can neglect each other.

A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the differences between places. If all places     37     alike, there would be little need for geographers.

We know, however,     38     no two places are exactly the same. Geography,     39    , is a point of view, a special way of     40     at places.
26. A. pass         B. reach C. go    D. set
27. A. whole          B. unit  C. part   D. total
28. A. falls   B. removes C. results   D. comes
29. A. what   B. that  C. which   D. it
30. A. Some  B. Few  C. More   D. Most
31. A. extensive B. entire C. overall  D. enormous
32. A. way   B. means C. habit  D. technique
33. A. second   B. later C. next   D. latter
34. A. learns   B. studies  C. realizes   D. understands
35. A. on   B. for  C. as    D. to
36. A. each   B. one   C. neither  D. either
37. A. being   B. are  C. be    D. were
38. A. although  B. whether C. since  D. that
39. A. still  B. then  C. nevertheless  D. moreover
40. A. working   B. looking  C. arriving  D. getting
III. 难句释义。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸上。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
 Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts. (10 points)
41.Every student should regularly experience the “Aha!”— when something you never understood, or something you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.
A. When students suddenly come to understand something new, or when they solve a mystery, they usually shout, “Aha!”
B. Students should keep learning new things so that they can feel the joy of discovering what they didn’t understand before.
C. Students should often change subjects in their studies so that they can experience surprises, which makes learning more enjoyable.
D. If learning is made more surprising and mysterious, students will never find it boring.

42. When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man.
A. Trevor was adding some decorations.
B. Trevor was making some corrections.
C. Trevor had just checked a few details.
D. Trevor had almost finished the picture.

43. I think this makes a man out of a boy sooner than almost anything else.
A. This helps a boy to become mature sooner.
B. This makes a little innocent boy grow faster.
C. Nothing else can make a boy understand the hardships of life.
D. This, more than anything else, helps a boy see how he should behave.

44. It was in her mind to share their refuge.
A. The thought that they should share the refuge was constantly troubling her.
B. She was wondering if they should share their shelter with the neighbours.
C. She didn’t mind that their shelter should be made a public place.
D. She thought they should share their shelter with the neighbours.

45. However, today’s businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.
A. It is difficult to get his moral standards to serve his business interests.
B. It is sometimes difficult for him to keep his business interests in line with his moral standards.
C. His interests in business and his moral standards can affect each other.
D. He finds it hard to sacrifice his business interests for his moral principles.

46. Another ingredient of courtesy is empathy , a quality that enables a person to see into the mind or heart of someone else, to understand the pain or unhappiness there and to do something to minimize it.
A. to realize that he would never let others know his secrets.
B. to know that he is suffering from pain or unhappiness.
C. to perceive the pain or unhappiness he keeps to himself.
D. to understand what is going on in his mind.

47. The beauty of our country — or at least all of it south of North Scotland — is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.
A. The beauty of our country is easy to enjoy but difficult to describe.
B. It is difficult both to state the beauty of our country and to really appreciate it.
C. It is more difficult to really appreciate the beauty of our country than to give it a definition.
D. To discover the beauty of our country requires much intelligence, but to define it is a different matter.

48. His [my adviser’s] reaction indicates to me that I actually stand a chance of coming up with a workable design [of an atom bomb].
A. My chance of working out a satisfactory design is actually very little.
B. It is in fact a good chance for me to design and make an atom bomb.
C. It is likely that I am able to work out a plan for making an atomic bomb.
D. I must seize the opportunity and think up the blueprint of an atom bomb.

49. One rainy night when car windows were sealed against me I came back soaked and with not a single sale to report.
A. I run all the way home wet through, and I was too tired to say anything to my mother.
B. I hurried home in the rain to report to my mother how many magazines I had sold.
C. I didn’t bring any money back, and I had nothing interesting to tell my family.
D. I didn’t even sell one copy of the magazine and I came home wet through.

50. Thus the age we live in offers little prospect of outward stability, and only those who by an inner serenity and disentanglement have learned how to deal with the continually unexpected can be at home in it.
A. One of the characteristics of our age is that it is constantly changing.
B. It is impossible for us to be living in the same age all our lives.
C. We are living in a very dangerous age ,and it is not stable at all.
D. Living in an age of instability, we can’t hope to live peacefully.

IV. 阅读理解。认真阅读下列两篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸上。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)
Passage 1
On my voyage to Japan, I shared a cabin with Mr. Kelada. He was chatty and seemed too sure of himself.
One evening at dinner the passengers started talking about culture pearls(人工养殖珍珠) the Japanese were making, Mr. Kelada rushed the new topic:
“I’m going to Japan just to look into the Japanese pearl business. I’m in the trade and I know all the best pearls in the world. They’ll never be able to get a culture pearl that an expert like me can’t tell with half an eye.” He pointed to the chain that Mrs. Ramsay wore. “You take my word for it, Mrs. Ramsay, that chain you’re wearing will never be worth a cent less than it is now.”
Mrs. Ramsay in her modest way flushed (脸红) a little and slipped the chain inside her dress. Mr. Ramsay leaned forward. He gave us all a look, and a smile shone in his eyes.
“That’s a pretty chain, isn’t it? ”
“I noticed it at once,” answered Mr. Kelada. “Gee, I said to myself, those are pearls all right.”
“I didn’t buy it myself, of course. I’d be interested to know how much you think it cost.”
“Oh, in the trade somewhere round fifteen thousand dollars. But if it was bought on Fifth Avenue I shouldn’t be surprised to hear that anything up to thirty thousand was paid for it.”
Mr. Ramsay smiled grimly.
“You’ll be surprised to hear that Mrs. Ramsay bought that string at a department store the day before we left New York, for eighteen dollars.”
Mr. Kelada flushed.
“Nonsense. It’s not only real, but it’s as fine a string for its size as I’ve ever seen.”
“Will you bet(打赌) on it? I’ll bet you a hundred dollars that it’s imitation.”
“Oh, Elmer, you can’t bet on a certainty,” said Mrs. Ramsay.
She had a little smile on her lips, and her tone was gently showing strong disagreement.
“Can’t I? If I get a chance of easy money like that I should be all sorts of a fool not to take it .”
“But how can it be proved?” she continued. “It’s only my word against Mr. Kelada’s”.
“Let me look at the chain, and if it’s imitation, I’ll tell you quickly enough. I can afford to lose a hundred dollars,” said Mr. Kelada.
“Take it off, dear. Let the gentleman look at it as much as he wants.”
Mrs. Ramsay hesitated a moment. She put her hands to the clasp(项链扣).
“I can’t undo it,” she said. “Mr. Kelada will just have to take my word for it.”
I had a sudden suspicion that something unfortunate was about to occur, but I could think of nothing to say.
Mr. Ramsay jumped up.
“I’ll undo it.”
He handed the chain to Mr. Kelada. The man took a magnifying glass from his pocket and closely examined it. A smile of triumph spread over his smooth and rather dark-coloured face. He handed back the chain. He was about to speak. Suddenly he caught sight of Mrs. Ramsay’s face. It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint. She was staring at him with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal(恳求); it was so clear that I wondered why her husband did not see it.
Mr. Kelada stopped with his mouth open. He flushed deeply. You could almost see the effort he was making over himself.
“I was mistaken,” he said. “It’s a very good imitation… ” He handed Mr. Ramsay a hundred-dollar note without a word . I noticed that Mr. Kelada’s hands were trembling.

51. At the start of the story, Mr. Kelada is found boasting about his skill in
A. recognizing culture pearls from real ones.
B. predicting the rise and fall of pearl market.
C. examining pearls with half an eye.
D. estimating the price of any jewel.

52. What result did Mrs. Ramsay desperately want the bet to end with? Why?
A. She wanted Mr. Kelada to win because she wanted her pearls to turn out real.
B. She expected her husband to lose because he had forced her to take her chain off.
C. She wished that Mr. Kelada would lose because she didn’t want her husband to know the truth.
D. She desperately hoped her husband would win because she didn’t want him to lose 0.

53. When Mrs. Ramsay put on a look of “desperate appeal” she
A. was afraid that her husband would lose 0.
B. appealed to her husband not to bet on certainty.
C. wanted both to calm down and give up the bet.
D. was worried that Mr. Kelada would tell the truth.

54. Mr. Kelada admitted that he was mistaken; he lost the bet because
A. he was an expert on pearls, but this time the imitation was too good.
B. he didn’t want the narrator to detect his sympathy with Mrs. Ramsay.
C. he wanted to help Mrs. Ramsay out even though it was a painful thing to do.
D. he wasn’t really very skilled in distinguishing between culture pearls and real ones.

55. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Mr. Kelada’s hands were trembling when he gave Mr. Ramsay the money?
A. He was sorry to part with the hundred dollars.
B. He knew he was right and yet, he had to say he was wrong.
C. As an expert on pearls it was painful to admit he had made a mistake.
D. It hurt his pride to be beaten by someone who didn’t know much about pearls.

Passage 2
Dr. kimsma, from the Netherlands, believes that euthanasia (安乐死) is not simply a question of ending someone’s life. The important thing is how that person’s life ends. If someone chooses euthanasia, he doesn’t have to think about the worry and the suffering only. He can also focus on the things he really wants to do, such as taking a last trip, or making up a fight with someone in the family, or saying goodbye. The pressure on that person becomes lighter when he knows he won’t have to go on suffering long. Often, people who have chosen euthanasia have such peace of mind that they die naturally.

Dr. Kimsma visits his patients every day in the final period of their lives, usually at their home, where most people prefer to die. He talks to them often about various treatments and ways to relieve their pain, so that they know about all the choices, not just euthanasia. “If I ended the life of a patient because I had not given him good care, I would feel ashamed and guilty,” he said.

Dr. Kimsma admits that in the case of euthanasia there is a conflict between his goals as a doctor: saving life and helping those who are suffering. He believes that helping people is the morally right thing to do. “My patients can be sure that I will not let them suffer unnecessarily alone. That is just my goal and duty as a physician.”

However, he thinks that euthanasia should never be easy for a doctor, or for a person’s family, so that people do not begin to think of it as something ordinary. He says he can only continue to perform euthanasia because it is something that happens very rarely.

In 1996 the government of Australia’s Northern Territory passed a law allowing voluntary (自愿的) euthanasia. Peter Ravenscroft, a medical professor in Australia, suggests that this law was passed because very little care is available for patients beyond cure in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Dr. Ravenscroft holds that euthanasia is wrong. He believes that when people have an incurable illness, they should be given care that lessens their pain and suffering and helps them to feel less afraid. He says that such care should improve the quality of a person’s life , even in the very last part of his life, without bringing death. Dr Ravenscroft suggests that a patient should be given a drug to help him sleep for the last few days of his life, if nothing else will help him.

Ravenscroft says, “I value sitting with dying patients or holding their hands . It reminds me that life is a great mystery and we all share the characteristics of being human. We take part in all of life including dying, but we are not masters of it.”

If euthanasia is legal, it may be easier to choose death instead of continuing to look for a better treatment. Ravenscroft has had patients who lived much longer than they were expected to live , and other patients whose pain suddenly became less. If euthanasia had been available, they might have died too soon.

Ravenscroft has another reason for not making euthanasia legal. He fears that people can be persuaded to choose euthanasia when they do not really want to. He thinks it is unlikely that any law can stop this from happening.

56. Which of the following is NOT Dr. Kimsma’s opinion?
A. People may die peacefully in euthanasia because they feel less pressure .
B. Euthanasia allows people to focus on important personal things in the last phase of  their lives.
C. It is wrong to give up looking for a better treatment for an incurable disease.
D. It is wrong to let a patient suffer when the disease is beyond cure.

57. According to Dr. Kimsma, when the two goals of a doctor conflict,
A. saving life of those who are sick should come first.
B. helping people who are suffering should come first.
C. it is up to his patient to make a decision.
D. the solution varies according to the situation.

58. Dr Ravescroft is against euthanasia. One of his reasons is that
A. nobody really wants to end his own life.
B. saving life is the only goal for a doctor.
C. care given to people having incurable diseases can prolong their lives.
D. people can be given painkillers and drugs to make them suffer less.

59. By “we are not masters of it [life], ”Dr Ravenscroft means
A. we have no right to end a person’s life.
B. we can never tell what will happen to us.
C. life is as mysterious as death.
D. life is always beyond our knowledge.

60. Doctors Ravenscroft and Kimsma have opposite views on euthanasia, but many of their concerns are similar. They agree that
A. life should be respected more than anything else in the world.
B. euthanasia should not be seen as an easy answer to incurable diseases.
C. people cannot know for sure that their pain will not get better.
D. the policy on euthanasia will depend on the development of medicine.

V. 词形转换。将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. (10 points)
61. Different from her ________ husband, she is actively involved in public affairs. (center, self)
62. Money can be borrowed for one day or for many years. ________ loans are for a year or less. (short, term)
63. Many people worshiped a number of gods. They thought that angry gods caused personal ________. ( fortune )
64. The number of tigers in nature has greatly decreased. The ________ of wild tigers has become a serious problem. ( survive )
65. The chief functions of live are to help the body digest and use food and to help ________the blood of wastes and poisons. ( pure )
66. People make coats and other clothing from fur. They value fur for its beauty as well as for the ________ it provides. ( warm )
67. Chicago has always been known as a city where ________ people could find good jobs. ( Industry )
68. The first society to be established for the prevention of ________ to animals was founded in England in 1824. ( cruel )
69. Bricks are strong, hard, and resistant to fire and ________ from the weather, so they have been used as a building material for thousands of years. ( damage )
70. Colour-blind people can’t make a ________ between colours. ( distinct )

VI. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语,译文写在答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。)
 Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)
71. 只要你感兴趣,你的课题是什么并不重要。
72. 爱意味着对你所爱之人的人格的尊重。
73. 除了一张办公桌和一张椅子之外,办公室空空荡荡。
74. “我不该半途而废,放弃研究项目,”他后悔地说。
75. 爱迪生不仅被看作是一个新时代的象征,而且还是新时代的开创者。
VII. 作文。根据所学的一篇课文,写出150字的短文。(本题共15分)
 Write a short composition based on one of the texts you have learned in about 150 words.

Topic: Retell the story “The Model Millionaire” in about 150 words and conclude your retelling with a one-sentence comment.

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